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Yamagishi Ryouko   List of titles  

Guessing Game

Alice visits Rupert's second house near the sea. Rupert is her fiance. She sees a tall blond boy there. Rupert looks nasty to him. He wouldn't tell her who the boy is or what his name is. A servant tells her the boy is Michel, who is Rupert's half brother. Rupert says Michel irritates him.
Michel sings and gives riddles at meals. Rupert tells him to stop singing. "When we were kids, I ran after Rupert and stumbled and got injured. He came back to me and licked the bruise to cure it." says Michel. Rupert tells Alice that he met Michel on the previous day for the first time.

Rupert, Alice and Michel go sailing. Michel says he doesn't know how to swim. Rupert shoves him into the water. Alice gets upset about that. Rupert and Alice look for him in the water. When they go back to the yacht, they find out Michel has returned there already.
Alice serves coffee to warm up their bodies. There are only two cups for the three. Rupert takes a cup of coffee away from Michel's hand and tells him to use his hand if he wants to drink coffee. Michel puts his hand toward Rupert. Rupert pours boiling coffee onto Michel's hand. Alice gives Michel treatment. Rupert wouldn't apologize to him.
In the night, Rupert sees Michel getting up on the bed. Rupert asks him if the scald hurts. Rupert says it's Michel's fault and that it might be better to cool the scald. The bandage around Michel's hand gets loose. Rupert tells Michel not to untie the bandage.

Michel says he can't bandage up by himself. Rupert helps him bandage up. Michel kisses Rupert's neck. Michel asks Rupert if he can be Rupert's little bird.

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Youseiou(Fairy King)

Arabesque Part 2



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